Welcome to Stunts Section

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The purpose of this lab is to combine everything you’ve done up till now to do fast stunts. This is the reason you labored all those long hours in the lab carefully soldering up and mounting your components! Your grade will be based partially on your hardware/software design and partially on how fast your robot manages to complete the stunt (relative to everyone else in class). We will also have everyone vote on the coolest stunt and the best blooper video - the top picks will receive up to 2 bonus points.

Orientation Control

Your robot must start at the designated line (< 4m from the wall), drive fast forward, and when the robot is within 3ft (914mm = 3 floor tiles in the lab) from the wall, initiate a 180 degree turn.

Here attached is the code controlling the car to turn

    case Stunt:
        // parameter for PID yaw
        float kp,ki,kd;
        float LastPID = 0.0;
        float prevError=0.0,error=0.0,integral=0.0;
        float P,I,D,PID;
        float current_time=0.0,current_yaw;
        bool is_turn = false;

        //parameter for extrapolation

        float last2_distance = 0.0, last1_distance = 0.0, current_distance=3000.0;  //this is used as the initial distance
        float last_distance = 3000.0, last_time= (int)millis();
        float last1_time = 0.0,last2_time = 0.0;
        float curr_speed = 100;
        float last_speed;
        float yaw_bias;

        //get the pid parameter from the computer
        success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(kp);
        if (!success)
        success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(ki);
        if (!success)
        success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(kd);
        if (!success)
        success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(yaw_bias);
        if (!success)

        int start_time = (int)millis();
        int turn_time = 0;
        int tofcnt = 0;
        Serial.println("Start Running! ");
        distanceSensor1.startRanging(); //Write configuration bytes to initiate measurement
        yaw = 0.0;
        //initialize the target_yaw
        last_time = millis();
        orientation_yaw();  //get the current yaw

        float target_yaw = yaw; 
        bool flag= false;
        while ( ((int)millis()-start_time) < 6000 ) //set to collect data for 10s
        Serial.print(" ");
        if (distanceSensor1.checkForDataReady())
            //Serial.println("TOF data get!");
            // store the data
            tof_time[tofcnt] = (float)millis()/1000;
            distance1[tofcnt] = distanceSensor1.getDistance(); //Get the result of the measurement from the sensor
            distance2[tofcnt] = distanceSensor2.getDistance();
            current_distance = distance1[tofcnt];

            //update the last1 and last2 distance and last time
            last2_distance = last1_distance;
            last1_distance = current_distance;
            last2_time = last1_time;
            last1_time = current_time;

            //doing extrapolate
            //current distance should be smaller
            if(last2_distance!=0&&last2_time!=0)    //check if it is just start up
                tof_time[tofcnt] = (float)millis(); // the unit is ms
                current_distance = last1_distance - (last2_distance-last1_distance)*(current_time-last1_time)/(last1_time-last2_time);
                distance1[tofcnt] = current_distance;
                distance2[tofcnt] = 0;
            // otherwise do not update current_distance

        if(current_distance<=1500 && !flag )
            flag = true;
            is_turn = true;
            turn_time = (int)millis();
            target_yaw = target_yaw + yaw_bias;
            target_yaw -= 360;

        current_time = (int)millis();

        orientation_yaw();  //get the current yaw
        current_yaw = yaw;
            // store the data
        // tof_time[tofcnt] = (float)millis()/1000;
        curyaw[tofcnt] = yaw;

        //update the last1 and last2 distance and last time
        if(is_turn && current_time - turn_time <= 1500)
            error = current_yaw-target_yaw;   //should be larger than 0 at the beginning
            P = kp * error;
            if((error >= 0 and LastPID <= 0) or (error < 0 and LastPID > 0))
            integral += error;
            integral = min(max(integral,-50),50); //wind-up protection
            I = ki * integral;
            D = kd * (error - prevError);
            prevError = error;
            PID = P + I + D;

            //when yaw decrease, turn left, error < 0
            //when yaw increase, turn right, error > 0

            PID = min(250,max(PID,-250));
            if(PID>=0){turnright((PID/250)*80+70);//curspeed[tofcnt-1] = (PID/250)*200+50;
            else{turnleft((-PID/250)*80+70);//curspeed[tofcnt-1] = -((-PID/250)*200+50);
            LastPID = PID;
        if(is_turn && current_time - turn_time > 1500)

        //send the data
        //only 929 for 10s count
        // Serial.print(tofcnt);        

        for(int i=0;i< tofcnt;i++)
        //     tx_estring_value.append("time: ");
        //     tx_estring_value.append(tof_time[i]);
        //     tx_estring_value.append(" distance 1: ");
        //     tx_estring_value.append(distance1[i]);
        //     tx_estring_value.append(" distance 2: ");
        //     tx_estring_value.append(distance2[i]);
        //     tx_estring_value.append(" PWM: ");
        //     tx_estring_value.append(curspeed[i]);
        //     tx_estring_value.append(" speed: ");
        //     tx_estring_value.append(instspeed[i]);
            // tx_estring_value.append("yaw: ");


The two videos below show the final results:

Here attached is the collected yaw data:

Description of the image
Description of the image