Welcome to Mapping Section

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The purpose of this lab is to map out a static room (in this case the front room of the lab); you will use this map in later localization and navigation tasks. To build the map, you will place your robot in a couple of marked up locations around the lab, and have it spin around its axis while collecting ToF readings.


Orientation control: Create a PID controller that allows your robot to do on-axis turns in small, accurate increments.

Firstly, we need a program to enable the car to rotate for a full round and then record the distance TOF data at different angle. I wrote the code below to finish this task.

        case Mapping:
            float kp,ki,kd;
            float LastPID = 0.0;

            float prevError=0.0,error=0.0,integral=0.0;
            float P,I,D,PID;
            float current_time=0.0,current_yaw;

            //get the pid parameter from the computer
            success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(kp);
            if (!success)
            success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(ki);
            if (!success)
            success = robot_cmd.get_next_value(kd);
            if (!success)

            Serial.print("Get PID parameter: ");
            Serial.print(", ");
            Serial.print(", ");

            int start_time = (int)millis();
            int int_last_time = (int)millis();
            int tofcnt = 0;
            Serial.println("Start Running! ");
            distanceSensor1.startRanging(); //Write configuration bytes to initiate measurement
            yaw = 0.0;
            //initialize the target_yaw
            last_time = millis();
            orientation_yaw();  //get the current yaw

            float target_yaw = yaw; 
            bool flag= false;
            while ( ((int)millis()-start_time) < 11000 ) //set to collect data for 10s
            orientation_yaw();  //get the current yaw

            // adding 90 degrees to the set point after 5 seconds
                if (distanceSensor1.checkForDataReady())
                    if(distanceSensor1.getDistance()< 1)
                    mapping_distance[tofcnt] = distanceSensor1.getDistance(); //Get the result of the measurement from the sensor
                    mapping_yaw[tofcnt] = yaw;

                    Serial.print("current yaw: ");
                    Serial.print(" current distance: ");


                    //already collected distance data, increase target yaw
                    target_yaw = target_yaw + 10;
                    target_yaw = 360;
                    int_last_time = (int)millis();

            current_time = (int)millis();
            current_yaw = yaw;
                // store the data
            // tof_time[tofcnt] = (float)millis()/1000;
            //curyaw[tofcnt] = yaw;

            //update the last1 and last2 distance and last time
            error = current_yaw-target_yaw;   //should be larger than 0 at the beginning
            P = kp * error;
            if((error >= 0 and LastPID < = 0) or (error < 0 and LastPID > 0))
                integral += error;
                integral = min(max(integral,-50),50); //wind-up protection
            I = ki * integral;
            D = kd * (error - prevError);
            prevError = error;
            PID = P + I + D;

            //when yaw decrease, turn left, error < 0
            //when yaw increase, turn right, error > 0

            PID = min(250,max(PID,-250));
            if(PID>=0){turnright((PID/250)*180+70);//curspeed[tofcnt-1] = (PID/250)*200+50;
            else{turnleft((-PID/250)*180+70);//curspeed[tofcnt-1] = -((-PID/250)*200+50);
            LastPID = PID;


            //send the data
            //only 929 for 10s count
            // Serial.print(tofcnt);        

            for(int i=0;i < tofcnt;i++)
                tx_estring_value.append("distance: ");
                tx_estring_value.append(" yaw: ");


The most important code which controls the orientation is shown below. Everytime after spinning for more than 0.2 seconds, we believe the car has reached the target angle which is 10 degrees larger than the previous step. Then we record the distance and yaw values if the current TOF data is available, and then increase the target yaw by 10 degrees meanwhile renew the integral part of the PID. Also we set a upper limit of the target yaw to be 360 degree so that the car could turn exactly a round.

        if (distanceSensor1.checkForDataReady())
            if(distanceSensor1.getDistance() < 1)
            mapping_distance[tofcnt] = distanceSensor1.getDistance(); //Get the result of the measurement from the sensor
            mapping_yaw[tofcnt] = yaw;

            Serial.print("current yaw: ");
            Serial.print(" current distance: ");


            //already collected distance data, increase target yaw
            target_yaw = target_yaw + 10;
            target_yaw = 360;
            int_last_time = (int)millis();

The result of the PID controller is shown in the video below:

We can observe that the car can rotate smoothly, even if there is some drift but the car could still remain in the same tile, the TA said it is total acceptable.

To know whether the data is correctly recorded, we printed out the data received on our computer, shown in the figure below:

Description of the image

As shown in the figure above, the real yaw is increased roughly 10 degrees each time and stop at 360 degrees, which means our program is effective.


The figure below shows the experimental environment:

Description of the image

There are 5 tape marks on the tile which are the recording points, what we need to do is to rotate at each marked point and record the data (distance, yaw), here below are the video records:

After recording datas at each point, we plot our (distance, yaw) data in the polar coordinates:

Description of the image

Description of the image

Description of the image

Description of the image

Description of the image


Then we need to use the rotation matrix to merge all the polar data together in the orthogonal coordination system, here below shows my deduction on how to do it and the code:

Description of the image

Description of the image

Then I used the code below to merge all points together:

Description of the image

And here is the final results:

Description of the image

From the figure below we can observe the contour of the environment, the result is pretty good. And we can draw the contour to make it clearer:

Description of the image

Also we can make points from different records with different color:

Description of the image

This figure will illustrate more clearly on how all the points were merged together